Monday, August 13, 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Should I, as a Christian, Care About Politics?

Should I, as a Christian, Care About Politics?

Well, yeah. But I'll take a page or two to explain. If you care anything about freedom, your nation, religion, or your own well-being, you should. And I hope you do. The view of the average Christian teenager is: “I hate politics. They don't matter. I mean, who really cares?” Well, I do, and you should, if you don't all ready. All Christians should be actively involved in politics. Please don't faint. Stay with me. I'll repeat that. All Christians should be actively involved in politics. You may be saying: “What?!?”. Well, I won't take back my comment, nor will I leave you hanging. I'll explain that. First of all, your religious freedom hangs upon it. Nearly every single country in the world is doing their very best to do away with Christianity. And, as sad as it is to say it, the U.S. is one of them. Secondly, you as an individual should care about what is going on in your nation, as a Christian. Christians should not sit back and watch. Anybody with that theology needs to read their Bible. It's not biblical. As a matter of fact, it's blatantly against it. Proverbs 25:26 says: “Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.” Point proven. We don't just watch as our country and culture become openly against God. In fact, we do everything in our power to stop it. Third, politics matter because they establish what laws you and the rest of everyone living in the country are supposed to abide by. And you should really know whether the laws passed are honoring to God or not. Here's a hint: most of them aren't. So, I think this has been sufficient to prove that politics do indeed matter in the life of a Christian. This, however, does not mean that everyone should strive to become a senator. If God has called you to be one, then by all means strive to become one. But, I'm afraid that we can't all be senators. What a bummer. Anyway, what I mean, is that you should, at the very least care. When Congress is seeking to pass an ungodly bill, you should contact them. They might not listen, but that doesn't really matter. It's our job to do what we have been called to do, and be content to trust that God in His divine providence will do what is best with it. We need to stop having an apathetic attitude about everything that isn't in our immediate interest. So, I guess this little article has come to a conclusion at last. The summary? Yes. You, as a Christian, should care about politics. And, as a matter of fact, it's a sin if you don't. After all, Paul rejoiced when he was brought before King Agrippa, didn't he? So should we. We should be a light in every part of our lives. Not in every area but politics. Thanks for reading, and God bless.